Sunday, December 19, 2010

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:
銀龍(Pedilanthus)、花銀龍、龍鳳木、扭曲草、拖鞋花、青竹标、百足草、红雀掌,  Devil's Backbone, Jacob's Ladder

学名 Scientific Name:
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’

科別 Family Name:
大戟科 Euphorbiaceae

属別 Genus Name:
大戟属 Euphorbia

原产地 Origin:
熱帶美洲 Sub-Tropical / Tropical Americas

植物照料 Plant Care:

其他注释 Others Note

多年生草本植物,株高3-4m,具有毒性的白色乳汁。茎肉质,绿色。叶卵形至卵状矩圆形,叶背中 脉龙古状突起,叶面不整齐,先端短尖,边缘波形,聚伞花序顶生,总苞左右对称,闭合,鲜红色或紫色。





The red slipper spurge or devil's backbone (Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’) is a succulent shrub with zigzagged stems native to dry tropical forests of Florida, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America. Pedilanthus, literally "slipper flower", are members of the Euphorbiaceae, but the 15 or so species are unique enough to have their own clade or branch of the family.

Some, like Pedilanthus tithymaloides [ped e lan' thus tith' e ma loi' dees], are common. It has eight recognized subspecies and one horticultural variety—the photographed 'Variegatus'. In India, the devil's backbone is a 'pest plant'. It escaped from cultivation and "grows profusely in marginal waste land* in northern and eastern India without any agricultural management...." (Srilekha De, et al, 1997)

Other members teeter on the brink of extinction. Pedilanthus pulchellus was described in 1917 and was not found again until 2003 by Mark Olsen. It survives as a small population on a mountain in Mexico. Pedilanthus tomentellus, is grown as an ornamental, but disappeared in the wild sometime in the 1980s. (William Cocke, 2003)

Pedilanthus flowers, variously described as shaped like slippers, red birds, ducks, or even cow skulls, are only open at the tip. The stigma and anthers are exserted—extending beyond the brightly colored petals. Most Pedilanthus are pollinated by hummingbirds. (Mark Olsen, 2002)
Like other members of the Euphorbiaceae, slipper spurges exude milky latex when broken. The latex acts as a deterrent; it is bitter to mammals and becomes tacky when exposed to air. It gums-up the mouthparts of chewing insects. The latex has been known to cause contact dermatitis in some individuals. Among other chemicals, the latex contains hydrocarbons—fuel.

Srilekha De, Archana Bag, and Subhendu Mukherji have examined the devil's backbone as a petrocrop, an alternative to crude oil and coal. Using petroleum ether, benzene, and ethyl acetate, the team extracted various weights of hydrocarbons from dried devil's backbone. The first extraction and distillation (soaking in petroleum ether and distilling the PE away) resulted in a waxy hydrocarbon with interesting properties.

When burned, it produces larger amounts of heat than any currently used fossil fuel. Coal produces slightly more than 7,000 calories of energy per gram, fuel oil about 11,000 calories/gram, and gasoline about 11,500 calories. But the waxy hydrocarbon from devil's backbone produces about 18,990 calories of heat per gram.

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